Cementerio General


More than just a graveyard, Santiago’s Cemen­terio General is a veritable city of tombs, many adorned with works by famous local sculptors. The names above the crypts read like a who’s who of Chilean history: its most tumultuous moments are attested to by Salvador Allende’s tomb and the Memorial del Detenido Desaparecido y del Ejecutado Político, a memorial to the ‘disappeared’ of Pinochet’s dictatorship.

To reach the memorial from the main entrance, walk down Av O'Higgins, turning right onto Limay for another 200m until you find Patio Recoleta Norte.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Santiago attractions

1. La Vega Central


Raspberries, quinces, figs, peaches, persimmons, custard apples…if it grows in Chile you’ll find it at La Vega Central, which is bordered by Dávila Baeza…

2. Patronato

1.08 MILES

This barrio within a barrio, roughly bordered by Recoleta, Loreto, Bellavista and Dominica streets, is the heart of Santiago's immigrant communities,…

3. Terraza Bellavista

1.11 MILES

Near the top of the funicular is the Terraza Bellavista, where there are a few snack stands and extraordinary views across the city.

4. Mercado Central

1.12 MILES

Gleaming piles of fresh fish and crustaceans atop mounds of sparkling ice thrill foodies and photographers alike at the Mercado Central. Look for congrio …

6. Cerro San Cristóbal

1.15 MILES

The best views over Santiago are from the peaks and viewpoints of the Parque Metropolitano, better known as Cerro San Cristóbal. At 722 hectares, the park…

7. Zoológico Nacional

1.16 MILES

The dinky Zoológico Nacional houses an aging bunch of neglected animals. It is, however, probably the only place in Chile where you are assured a glimpse…

8. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo

1.27 MILES

Temporary exhibitions showcasing contemporary photography, design, sculpture, installations and web art are often held at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo,…