Hacı Cəfər Məscid


Fronted by a wild rose-bush, this colourfully painted brick mosque, originally built as a square-plan church, is the most eye-catching of several minor historic structures that give Ərdəbil küç a modest appeal for casual strolling.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Azerbaijan attractions

2. Cümə Məscid

0.13 MILES

This octagonal mosque is Quba’s most-distinctive historic building. Painted a dull red and topped with a metallic dome forming a central point like a…

3. Qədim Quba

0.17 MILES

Quba is famous for its handmade carpets and this workshop is one accessible place where visitors can see the process in action.

4. History Museum

0.21 MILES

A facade like a stylised castle lures visitors to investigate this unusually professional regional museum, whose main appeal is the fine collection of…

5. Nizami Park

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6. Grand Synagogue

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7. Qırmızı Qəsəbə

0.37 MILES

Across the river from central Quba, Qırmızı Qəsəbə is a much-celebrated Jewish village with two active synagogues, including the Grand Synagogue. Its…

8. Quba 1918 Genocide Memorial Complex

0.86 MILES

A startling pair of concrete spike-pyramids rise dramatically above a subterranean museum that very powerfully commemorates the massacres of April and May…