Historic Streeter's Jetty  in Broome, North Western Australia  built for pearl dealers and merchants in 1897 through the mangroves  in  Dampier Creek  is subject to huge tidal variations damaging  it.; Shutterstock ID 384044902; your: Bridget Brown; gl: 65050; netsuite: Online Editorial; full: POI Image Update



Like a paste jewel set in a tiara of natural splendours, Broome clings to a narrow strip of pindan (red-soil country) on the Kimberley's far-western edge, at the base of the pristine Dampier Peninsula. Surrounded by the aquamarine waters of the Indian Ocean and the creeks, mangroves and mudflats of Roebuck Bay, this Yawuru Country is a good 2000km from the nearest capital city.

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