Not for the weak-kneed (see-through metal steps!), this 1882 water tower across the gulf in Port Augusta West affords a great view across the water and back to the town centre.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Wadlata Outback Centre

0.88 MILES

The highlight at this combined museum/visitor centre is the Tunnel of Time, which traces local Aboriginal and European histories using audio-visual…

2. Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden

1.66 MILES

Just north of town, the excellent (and free!) botanic garden has 250 hectares of sandhills, clay flats and desert fauna and flora (ever seen a Sturt's…

3. Sundrop Farms

6.95 MILES

Hey, what's that bizarre glowing tower just off the highway 10km south of Port Augusta? It's part of a giant greenhouse tomato-growing facility: hundreds…