Catching sunset waves at the Pass.

Getty Images/Lonely Planet Images

Byron Bay & Northern NSW

Providing a buffer between New South Wales' capital-city sprawl to the south and Queensland's Gold Coast strip up over the border, northern NSW offers an altogether simpler way of life. Lovely, lazy beach towns and pristine national parks leapfrog each other all the way up this stupendous stretch of scenic coast. Inland, lush farmland and ancient tracts of World Heritage–listed rainforest do the same, punctuated by hinterland towns with a character and charm all to themselves. Farmers rub shoulders with big-city sea-changers and post-hippie alternative lifestylers here: if you're looking for stellar local produce, a single-origin coffee or a psychic reading, you won't be disappointed. And if you're searching for a surf break, rest assured there will be an awesome one, right around the next corner.


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Surfers walk in the shallows as the sun sets on Byron Bay


Byron Bay's best day trips

Nov 7, 2017 • 5 min read

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