The 30 best countries, cities and regions to visit in 2025
May 17, 2019 • 3 min read
The Iron Throne room can be seen on display at the Touring Exhibition at Titanic Exhibition Centre in Belfast Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images
The thought of the Game of Thrones finale is bringing bittersweet feelings to many fans, not least because it means an end to a brilliant piece of weekly escapism. While HBO is planning plenty of spin-offs to replace it, the legacy is being kept alive by fans and travellers around the world. We've rounded up some Game of Thrones tours and attractions so you don't need to say goodbye to Westeros just yet.
The spiritual home of the TV show, most of the indoor scenes were filmed here. The stunning landscape provided the locations for Winterfell, Castle Black, Pyke Island and the Kingsroad, to name just a few. It is fitting that TEC Belfast is hosting the touring Game of Thrones exhibition all the way through to September.
Visitors can get up close and personal with the costumes, numerous props, and step completely into the atmospheric sets, including Winterfell Crypt and the Dragon Skull Pit; both of these key GoT scenes will be exclusive to the Belfast run of the exhibition. A few months later the tour packs up and moves on to its next (undisclosed) location. However the show's connection with Northern Ireland will remain in the form of a permanent Game of Thrones Studio Tour located at Linen Mill Studios that opens in early 2020.
Split is full of recognisable locations but a new Game of Thrones museum has just opened with more than 100 exhibits showcasing the magic of the show. There are plenty of genuine set items, sumptuous costumes, and excellent photo opportunities, including some with statues of the characters.
Walk the streets of Dubrovnik and you’ll be bombarded with offers of Game of Thrones themed tours, including people who worked on the show that are happy to share anecdotes from their time on set. If you prefer to go it alone, our guide to Croatia’s Game of Thrones locations will help you on your way.
For those sick of the political machinations of the Seven Kingdoms, Iceland is the home of the Free Folk, and the icy landscape is the perfect backdrop to any fantasy epic. This full-day Game of Thrones tour will bring you to some of the spectacular waterfalls featured in the series, a reconstruction of a Viking farm that was the setting for an attack by the Wildlings, and even to meet some of the horses used in the filming. For a more immersive experience, Guide to Iceland also run six- and eight-day full vacation packages.
Long before Game of Thrones, the Atlas Film Studios were hosting Hollywood epics and the remnants of their sets have been left in the world’s largest filming studio, gathering dust in the expanse of the desert. As well as Astapor’s Square where Daenerys thrillingly freed the Unsullied, you’ll spot sets from Gladiator, Jewel of the Nile and The Mummy.
Spain took an increasingly starring role in later seasons, providing the homelands for the Martells and Tyrells, as well as the windswept Dragonstone. Girona and Seville also lent their picturesque surroundings to King’s Landing, Braavos and the Water Gardens of Dorne. Viator operates tours in these locations, including a day trip from Barcelona for fans.
With up to five Game of Thrones-related prequels in the works, it’s unlikely Westerosi mania will cease anytime soon. In the unlikely event that happens, the stunning locations will be there forever to enjoy for their own merits or through the lens of your favourite TV show. Our guide to six of the most beautiful Game of Thrones locations will get you started.
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