The Netherlands Maastricht at dusk

Getty Images/iStockphoto


Lively and energetic, Maastricht has Roman history, a maze of tunnel-caves and historical buildings aplenty, plus a Burgundian sophistication to its dining, a bacchanalian delight to its drinking culture, and a student-friendly street-life out of all proportion to its size. The people are irreverent, shrugging off the shackles of Dutch restraint while speaking a dialect ('Mestreechs') that baffles Hollanders. No visit to the Netherlands is complete without a visit.

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Latest stories from Maastricht

MAASTRICHT, NETHERLANDS - MAY 28: View of a serving robot at restaurant Dadawan on May 28, 2020 in Maastricht, Netherlands. Robots will serve food and drinks to the customers as well as to measure body temperature before customers enter the restaurant. Restaurants and cafes will re-open in The Netherlands on June 1st. as part of the Coronavirus lockdown ease. (Photo by Frank Kerbusch/BSR Agency/Getty Images)


Robot waiters serve drinks and take temperatures at this Dutch restaurant

Jun 8, 2020 • 2 min read

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