Coastal village in Cantabria, San Vicente de la Barquera; Shutterstock ID 184874918; Your name (First / Last): Tom Stainer; GL account no.: 56100; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Cantabria homepage

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San Vicente de la Barquera

The fishing port of San Vicente de la Barquera, the final town on the western Cantabrian coast before you enter Asturias, sits handsomely on a point of land between two long inlets, backed by dramatic Picos de Europa mountainscapes. Together with Santander, Laredo and Castro Urdiales, it was one of the Cuatro Villas de la Costa, a federation of four dominant medieval ports that was converted into the province of Cantabria in 1779. The long sandy beaches east of town make it a busy summer spot.


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