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Numancia's Roman Ruins

Castilla y León

The mainly Roman ruins of Numancia, just outside the village of Garray (8km north of Soria), are all that remains of a city that proved one of the most resistant to Roman rule. Finally Scipio, who had crushed Carthage, starved the city into submission in 134 BCE. Under Roman rule, Numancia was an important stop on the road from Caesaraugustus (Zaragoza) to Astúrica Augusta (Astorga).

The ruins have a lonely, windswept aspect with little to suggest the long history of a settlement that was inhabited as early as the Bronze Age (which now exists in outline only). It will appeal more to budding archaeologists than to casual visitors. To make the most of your visit, ring ahead to ask the times of the free guided tours, which last 75 minutes.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Castilla y León attractions


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2. Concatedral de San Pedro

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3. Iglesia de Santo Domingo

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4. Palacio de Los Condes Gomara

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5. Casa de las Poetas

3.36 MILES

Pays homage to Antonio Machado and other Spanish poets who have a connection to the town.


6. Plaza Mayor

3.37 MILES

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7. Museo Numantino


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8. Iglesia de San Juan de Rabanera

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