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Casa Andalusí


The Casa Andalusí is a restored 12th-century house that attempts to recreate an ambience of caliphal times. It has a tinkling fountain in the patio and a variety of exhibits, mainly relating to Córdoba’s medieval Muslim culture, as well as a Roman mosaic in the cellar, and a shop selling North African items.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Córdoba attractions


1. Sinagoga

0.02 MILES

Constructed in 1315, this small, probably private or family synagogue is one of the best-surviving testaments to the Jewish presence in medieval Andalucía…


2. Casa de Sefarad

0.02 MILES

In the heart of the Judería, and once connected by tunnel to the synagogue, the Casa de Sefarad is an interesting museum devoted to the Sephardic (Iberian…


3. Puerta de Almodóvar

0.05 MILES

The only survivor of the nine city gates built by emir Abd ar-Rahman I (though what you see today is mainly 14th-century Christian work), the Almodóvar…


4. Baños del Alcázar Califal

0.17 MILES

The bathhouse of the 10th-century caliphs, part of the Moorish Alcázar complex that was later replaced by the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, is the most…


6. Patios de San Basilio

0.22 MILES

You can visit this group of three interesting and well-tended Cordoban patios in the Alcázar Viejo area, about 400m southwest of the Mezquita, most of the…


7. Mezquita

0.25 MILES

It’s impossible to overemphasise the beauty of Córdoba’s great mosque, with its remarkably serene (despite tourist crowds) and spacious interior. One of…


8. Caballerizas Reales

0.25 MILES

These elegant stables were built on orders of King Felipe II in 1570 as a centre for developing the tall Spanish thoroughbred warhorse (caballo andaluz)…