Cádiz' beautiful yellow-domed cathedral is an impressively proportioned baroque-neoclassical construction, best appreciated from seafront Campo del Sur in…
Cádiz' beautiful yellow-domed cathedral is an impressively proportioned baroque-neoclassical construction, best appreciated from seafront Campo del Sur in…
Admittedly a little dusty, the Museo de Cádiz is the province's top museum. Stars of the ground-floor archaeology section are two Phoenician marble…
Hugging the western side of the Barrio de la Viña, this small, popular golden city beach catches the eye with its mock-Moorish balneario (bathhouse). It's…
An enjoyable walk/jog along the promenade from the Barrio de Santa María, this fine, wide strip of Atlantic sand, with summer beach bars, starts 1km south…
On the seaward edge of the Barrio del Pópulo, Cádiz' Roman theatre dates from the late 1st century BCE and, originally, had space for 10,000 spectators. A…
Following half a century off limits, the eastern tower of the cathedral is now open once more. Ascend via the twirling ramp for fabulous wraparound views…
Spain's oldest covered market, Cádiz' lively Mercado Central de Abastos was unveiled in 1838. Now remodelled, it sells fresh fish, meat, vegetables and…
This star-shaped 16th-century fortress was built after the Anglo-Dutch sacking of the city in 1596; it's now an exhibition centre. Within stands a tiny…
The imposing 18th-century 'Land Gate' guards the southeastern (and only land) entry to Cádiz' old town. You can wander the upper fortifications and…
Behind an unassuming door, the Santa Cueva conceals quite the surprise. Of its two superposed neoclassical 18th-century chapels (built on trade wealth…
Cádiz' most ancient church and original cathedral was a Gothic-Mudéjar creation commissioned by Alfonso X El Sabio in 1263, on the site of a former mosque…
About 250m northwest of the cathedral, this triangular plaza is one of Cádiz’ most intimate. Bright with flowers, it's usually talked about as Plaza de…
Museo de las Cortes de Cádiz
A fairly dry collection of portraits and maps focusing especially on the revolutionary Cádiz Parliament of 1812, which took place in the baroque Oratorio…
Northwest of Plaza de Topete, the 18th-century Torre Tavira is the highest point in town, opening up dramatic panoramas of Cádiz. It has a camera obscura…
Beneath stone arches on the lower levels of the imposing Puerta de Tierra, this colourful world-wandering collection highlights local puppetry…
A stone’s throw east of Cádiz' cathedral, its museum is housed in the 16th-century Casa de la Contaduría, displaying an excavated medieval street,…
Castillo de San Sebastián
After centuries as a military installation, this polygonal 1706 fort, on a small islet joined by a slim stone walkway to Playa de la Caleta, is now open…
Museo Taller Litográfico
Tucked into the bulky walls of the Puerta de Tierra, this museum contains a German-origin collection of lithographic machinery, limestone and prints from…
Glammed up for the 200th anniversary of the 1812 constitution, cafe-lined Plaza de San Juan de Dios is dominated by the grand, neoclassical ayuntamiento,…
Cádiz' neoclassical town hall dominates Plaza San Juan de Dios. The building dates from around 1800, though a town hall has stood on this site since the…
Flanked by pastel-painted houses, Cádiz' curving malecón is eerily reminiscent of Cuba's Havana, which it's believed to have inspired.
Monumento a las Cortes Liberales
Constructed between 1912 and 1929, this monument honours Cádiz' 1812 constitution, La Pepa.
This 17th-century fort on the northern edge of the old town is now a cultural centre.
The revolutionary Cádiz Parliament of 1812 took place in this domed baroque church.