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Must-see attractions in Andalucía

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    Alhambra columns around the Court of Lions



    The Alhambra is Granada’s – and Europe’s – love letter to Moorish culture. Set against the brooding Sierra Nevada peaks, this fortified palace started…

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    Cordoba, Spain. Interior of the mosque.



    It’s impossible to overemphasise the beauty of Córdoba’s great mosque, with its remarkably serene (despite tourist crowds) and spacious interior. One of…

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    Ruins of medieval Arabic palace with columns and arched doors. Cordoba Medina Azahara.

    Medina Azahara


    Eight kilometres west of Córdoba stands what's left of Medina Azahara, the sumptuous palace-city built by Caliph Abd ar-Rahman III in the 10th century…

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    Mudejar Pavilion, Parque Maria Luisa, Seville

    Parque de María Luisa

    Parque de María Luisa & South of Centre

    A glorious oasis of green, the 34-hectare Parque de María Luisa is the perfect place to escape the noise and heat of the city, with duck ponds, landscaped…

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    Capilla Real, Royal Chapel, Granada, Spain.

    Capilla Real


    The Royal Chapel is the last resting place of Spain’s Reyes Católicos (Catholic Monarchs), Isabel I de Castilla (1451–1504) and Fernando II de Aragón …

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    Catedral de la Asunción in Jaen, Spain.

    Catedral de la Asunción


    Jaén's massive cathedral still dwarfs the rest of the city, especially when seen from the hilltop eyrie of Cerro de Santa Catalina. Its construction…

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    buenavista palace which houses the picasso museum

    Museo Picasso Málaga


    This unmissable museum in the city of Picasso’s birth provides a solid overview of the great master and his work, although, surprisingly, it only came to…

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    Catedral de Málaga


    Málaga’s elaborate cathedral was started in the 16th century on the site of the former mosque. Of the mosque, only the Patio de los Naranjos survives, a…

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    Interior of Natural Cave in Andalusia, Spain

    Cueva de Nerja


    It’s hard to imagine the surreal world that lies beneath the mountain foothills 4km east of Nerja, and it’s even harder to believe that these vast caverns…

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    Sacra Capilla del Salvador


    This famous chapel, built between 1536 and 1559, is the flagship of Úbeda Renaissance architecture. Commissioned by Francisco de los Cobos y Molina as his…

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    Medieval 'Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos'

    Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos


    Built under Castilian rule in the 13th and 14th centuries on the remains of a Moorish predecessor, this fort-cum-palace was where the Catholic Monarchs,…

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    The yard (pacio) of Centro de Flamenco Fosforito or Musuem of Flamenco.

    Centro Flamenco Fosforito


    Possibly the best flamenco museum in Andalucía, the Fosforito centre has exhibits, film and information panels in English and Spanish telling you the…

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    Aerial view of cathedral and village

    Catedral de Cádiz


    Cádiz' beautiful yellow-domed cathedral is an impressively proportioned baroque-neoclassical construction, best appreciated from seafront Campo del Sur in…

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    Phoenician Hall in Museo de Cadiz.

    Museo de Cádiz


    Admittedly a little dusty, the Museo de Cádiz is the province's top museum. Stars of the ground-floor archaeology section are two Phoenician marble…

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    Alcazaba, Malaga, Andulucia, Spain



    No time to visit Granada’s Alhambra? Then Málaga’s Alcazaba can provide a taster. The entrance is beside the Roman theatre, from where a meandering path…

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    Inside the Gleaming Golden Basilica of San Juan de Dios.

    Basílica San Juan de Dios


    Built between 1737 and 1759, this spectacular basilica unveils a blinding display of opulent baroque decor. Barely an inch of its interior lacks…

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    Mosque of Almonaster la Real, in the province of Huelva, Andalusia.



    Dating to the 9th and 10th centuries, this rare jewel of a mezquita (mosque) perches a five-minute walk above Almonaster's main square. The almost…

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    Inside the Assumption church (Iglesia de la Asuncion) in Priego de Cordoba.

    Parroquia de la Asunción


    On the edge of the Barrio de La Villa, this church represents a high point in Andalucian baroque chiefly thanks to its wonderful Sagrario (Sacristy),…

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    El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain - August 20, 2008: View of the Osborne Bodega (Bodega El Tiro) with a bull statue in the foreground, El Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz Province, Andalusia, Spain, Western Europe.

    Bodegas Osborne

    El Puerto de Santa María

    Creator of the legendary black-bull logo still exhibited on life-size billboards all over Spain (now without the name), Osborne is El Puerto's best-known…

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    The Gruta de las Maravillas cave in Aracena.

    Gruta de las Maravillas


    Beneath Aracena's castle hill is a web of caves and tunnels carved from the karstic topography. An extraordinary 1.2km, 50-minute loop takes you through…

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    Spain Square (Plaza de Espana), Seville, Spain, built on 1928, it is one example of the Regionalism Architecture mixing Renaissance and Moorish styles.

    Plaza de España

    Parque de María Luisa & South of Centre

    This bombastic plaza, designed by architect Aníbal González in the Parque de María Luisa, was the most extravagant of the building projects completed for…

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    A looming fortification with great curtain-like walls rising from the cliffs, Almerìa's Alcazaba was founded in the mid-10th century and went on to become…

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    Tasting room in Bodega Tradicion, Jerez de la Frontera, Andalusia, Spain.

    Bodegas Tradición

    Jerez de la Frontera

    An intriguing, evocative bodega, not only for its extra-aged sherries (at least 20, mostly 30 years old) but also because it houses the Colección Joaquín…

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    Courtyard garden of Viana Palace in Cordoba, Andalusia. Built in XV century. Viana Palace is a tourist attraction known for its 12 magnificent patios and gardens.

    Palacio de Viana


    A stunning Renaissance palace with 12 beautiful, plant-filled patios, the Viana Palace is a particular delight to visit in spring. Occupied by the…

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    Catedral de Baeza


    As was the case in much of Andalucía, the Reconquista destroyed Baeza's mosque and in its place built a cathedral. It's a stylistic melange, though the…

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    Dunes of the beaches of Valdevaqueros de Tarifa in Cádiz, Spain.

    Playa de Valdevaqueros


    Sprawling between 7km and 10km northwest of Tarifa, to the great white dune at Punta Paloma, Valdevaqueros is one of Tarifa's most popular kitesurfing…

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    Castillo de Santa Catalina


    High above the city, atop cliff-girt Cerro de Santa Catalina, this fortress's near-impregnable position is what made Jaén important during the Muslim and…

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    Punta Paloma


    One of Andalucía's most fabulous beaches, Punta Paloma, 10km northwest of Tarifa, is famous for its huge blond sand dune. At its far western end, you can…

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    Castillo de Segura


    This lofty castle dates from Moorish times but was rebuilt after the Christian conquest in the 13th century. Abandoned in the 17th century, it was…

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    Palacio de Jabalquinto


    Baeza’s most flamboyant palace was probably built in the late 15th century for a member of the noble Benavides clan. Its chief glory is the spectacular…

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    Catedral de la Encarnación


    Almería’s formidable, six-towered cathedral, begun in 1525, was conceived both as a place of worship and a refuge for the population from frequent pirate…

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    Cuevas de Sorbas


    These rare and spectacular caves, 2km east of Sorbas, are part of a vast network of underground galleries and tunnels. Guided visits lead through the…

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    Castillo de La Iruela


    In a stunningly picturesque and panoramic perch on a rocky pinnacle towering over pretty La Iruela village, this ancient fortification is well worth the…

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    Palacio de Vázquez de Molina


    Úbeda's ayuntamiento (town hall) is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful – if not the most beautiful – in Spain. It was built by Vandelvira in about 1562…

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    Sinagoga del Agua


    The medieval Sinagoga del Agua was discovered in 2006 by a refreshingly ethical property developer who intended to build apartments here, only to discover…

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    Oleícola San Francisco


    These fascinating tours of a working oil mill near Baeza will teach you all you could want to know about the process of turning olives into oil, how the…

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    La Geoda de Pulpí


    In 2019 the world's second-largest geode opened to the public in northeastern Almería's Sierra del Aguilón. Measuring an astounding 8m long by 2m tall,…

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    Castillo de los Sotomayor


    The top-heavy main tower of the massive and spooky Castillo de los Sotomayor rises a mighty 45m above its hilltop perch. The castle was built in the 15th…

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    Castillo de la Yedra


    Cazorla's dramatic Castle of the Ivy, a 700m walk above Plaza de Santa María, offers superb views and houses the interesting Museum of the Upper…