Safi's walled medieval medina is sliced in two by Rue du Souq, which runs northeast from Bab Lamaasa to Bab Chaaba and is lined with shops. On the…
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An industrial center and thriving port, Safi is a lot less picturesque than neighboring coastal towns but does offer an insight into the day-to-day life of a Moroccan city. Most tourists stop here en route to or from Essaouira to visit the giant pottery works that produce the typical brightly colored Safi pottery.
The ruins of Safi's once-impressive castle are located next to the crashing waves of the Atlantic. Built to enforce Portuguese authority, house the town…
The earthen kilns and chimneys of Potters’ Hill are clearly seen from Bab Chaaba at the edge of the medina. The skills used here are predominantly…
Opposite the entrance to the Great Mosque and clearly signed from Rue du Souq, this ruined cathedral dates from 1519 and was built in the Manueline …
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