Deluun Boldog

Top choice in Mongolia

In a boundary zone of steppe and taiga some 3.5km north of Dadal village, you'll find a grouping of rounded hills and shallow gullies intercut with clear mountain streams known as Deluun Boldog. On top of one of the hills is a stone marker, erected in 1990 to commemorate the 750th anniversary of the writing of The Secret History of the Mongols, inscribed with a simple message: Chinggis Khaan was born here in 1162.

Was he? Eh, let's agree that the answer is 'close enough'. With the blue sky Chinggis worshipped spiralling overhead, and a large ovoo (shamanistic shrine) crowned with branches occupied by cawing ravens framing the entire backdrop, this is altogether one of the most eerie and moving places in the province. With a little imagination, you can feel the animistic spirits of the place straining against the treeline. Note that there's a short but steep walk up a hill to get here.