Monumento a Los Niños Héroes

Polanco & Bosque de Chapultepec

The six marble columns marking Chapultepec park's eastern entrance commemorate the ‘boy heroes,’ six young cadets who perished in battle. On September 13, 1847, 8000 US troops stormed Castillo de Chapultepec, which then housed the national military academy. Mexican General Santa Anna retreated before the onslaught, but the youths, aged 13 to 20, chose to defend the castle. Legend has it one of them, Juan Escutia, wrapped himself in a Mexican flag and leaped to his death rather than surrender.

The event is commemorated each year on Día de los Niños Héroes, 13 September.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Polanco & Bosque de Chapultepec attractions

1. Museo de Arte Moderno

0.12 MILES

The collection here exhibits work by noteworthy 20th-century and contemporary Mexican artists, including canvases by Dr Atl, Rivera, Siqueiros, Orozco,…

3. Audiorama

0.14 MILES

Audiorama is a small circular outdoor space enclosed in the greenery of Chapultepec, sometimes used for intimate classical music performances. It is…

4. Museo Nacional de Historia

0.18 MILES

Historical exhibits chronicle the period from the rise of colonial Nueva España to the Mexican Revolution. On display are iconic objects such as the sword…

5. Castillo de Chapultepec

0.19 MILES

A visible reminder of Mexico’s bygone aristocracy, the ‘castle’ that stands atop Chapultepec Hill was begun in 1785 but not completed until after…

6. Jardín Botánico

0.23 MILES

Highlighting Mexico’s plant diversity, this 4-hectare complex in Chapultepec is divided into sections that reflect the country’s varied climatic zones…

7. Centro de Cultura Digital

0.25 MILES

In the Estela de Luz basement you'll find this cultural center with temporary expositions, of hit-and-miss interest, focusing on digital technology. Areas…

8. Estela de Luz

0.25 MILES

Opposite Torre Mayor, the 104m-high Estela de Luz was built to commemorate Mexico's bicentennial anniversary in 2010, though due to delays in construction…