
San Polo & Santa Croce

Couple Tiziano and Vanessa use a variety of printmaking techniques including silk screen and xylograph to create handmade T-shirts and bags, some with quirky Venetian scenes. They are also independent publishers, producing charming limited-edition art books. The store hosts regular workshops and courses in activities including printmaking, calligraphy and drawing (in English and Italian).

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby San Polo & Santa Croce attractions

1. Chiesa di San Geremia


This hefty-domed 18th-century church contains the body of St Lucy (Santa Lucia), one of the early church's most famous martyrs, who was killed in Syracuse…

2. Chiesa di San Giacomo dall’Orio


Romanesque St James' Church was founded in the 9th century and completed in Latin-cross form in 1225, with chapels bubbling along the edges. Within the…

3. Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia

0.12 MILES

Never mind the doge: insatiable curiosity rules Venice, and inside the former Fondaco dei Turchi (Turkish Trading House) it runs wild. The adventure…

4. Chiesa di San Marcuola

0.17 MILES

The right hand of John the Baptist was once housed in this church founded in the 9th century; however, the church burned in the 14th century, and what you…

5. Palazzo Mocenigo

0.19 MILES

Venice received a dazzling addition to its property portfolio in 1945 when Count Alvise Nicolò Mocenigo bequeathed his family's 17th-century palazzo to…

6. Chiesa di San Simeon Piccolo

0.19 MILES

Designed by Giovanni Antonio Scalfarotto and completed in 1738, this domed neoclassical building was one of the last churches to be built in Venice. It's…

7. Chiesa dei Scalzi

0.19 MILES

An unexpected outburst of baroque extravagance, this Longhena-designed church (built 1654–80) has a facade by Giuseppe Sardi that ripples with columns and…

8. Museo Wagner


Richard Wagner survived the 20-year effort of composing his stormy Ring cycle only to expire in this gracious palazzo, now the casino, in 1883. His suite …