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Villa Aldobrandini

Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo

If you’re in need of a breather around Via Nazionale or are in search of somewhere for a picnic, follow Via Mazzarino off the main road and walk up the steps, past 2nd-century ruins, to this graceful, sculpture-dotted garden with gravel paths and benches beneath fragrant orange trees, palms and camellias.

Raised around 10m above street level, these are the grounds of 16th-century Villa Aldobrandini, built to house the extensive art collection of Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini. The villa is closed to the public.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Monti, Esquilino & San Lorenzo attractions


1. Torre delle Milizie

0.11 MILES

This red-brick tower rises above the Mercati di Traiano (Markets of Trajan). Built in the 13th century, it was owned by several of the warring families…


3. Scuderie al Quirinale

0.15 MILES

The Palazzo del Quirinale’s former stables, formally known as the Scuderie Papali al Quirinale, have been turned into a magnificent exhibition space that…


4. Palazzo Colonna

0.18 MILES

The guided tours of this opulent palace are among the city's best, introducing visitors to the residence and art collection of the patrician Colonna…


5. Piazza del Quirinale


A wonderful spot to enjoy a glowing Roman sunset, this piazza, which is dominated by the imposing presidential palace of Palazzo del Quirinale, marks the…


6. Palazzo delle Esposizioni


This huge neoclassical palace was built in 1882 as an exhibition centre, though it has since served as headquarters for the Italian Communist Party, a…


7. Palazzo del Quirinale


Perched atop the Quirinale Hill, one of Rome's seven hills, this former papal summer residence has been home to the Italian head of state since 1948…


8. Foro di Augusto


Commissioned by Augustus in 42 BC and completed 40 years later, the Forum of Augustus is largely buried beneath Via dei Fori Imperiali. Its main…