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Entrance to Sonobudoyo Museum, Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia

Getty Images/DeAgostini

Sono-Budoyo Museum


This treasure chest is one of the best museums in Yogya. It is only small but is home to a first-class collection of Javanese art, including wayang kulit puppets, topeng (masks), kris and batik. The courtyard houses some Hindu statuary and artefacts from further afield, including superb Balinese carvings. Wayang kulit performances are held here.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Yogyakarta attractions


1. Gedung Negara

0.15 MILES

The seat of power in the Yogya region, this imposing modern-classical complex is closed to the public but makes a good landmark on Jl A Yani.


2. Mesjid Besar

0.16 MILES

This central, open-air mosque, built in a traditional Javanese architectural style, is the largest in the city.


3. Pagelaran Pavilion

0.21 MILES

Due to a schism in the ruling royal family, there is a small portion of the kraton, overlooking the northern alun-alun, that is walled off from the main…


4. Benteng Vredeburg

0.22 MILES

The old Dutch fort, with its impressive moat, is a popular destination for school outings, as it communicates Indonesia's recent history through engaging…


5. Museum Kareta Kraton

0.23 MILES

This wonderful old carriage house exhibits the opulent chariots of the sultan. The leather-upholstered and intricately painted carriages tell their own…


6. Pasar Beringharjo

0.27 MILES

Yogya’s main market is a lively and fascinating place to visit. Batik, catering for tourist tastes and mostly of the inexpensive batik cap (stamped batik)…


7. Kraton

0.37 MILES

Beside the southern alun-alun (main square), Yogya's enormous kraton (palace) is the cultural and political heart of this fascinating city. Effectively a…


8. Taman Sari

0.52 MILES

This once-splendid pleasure park of palaces, pools and waterways, built between 1758 and 1765, functioned as the playground of the sultan and his…