Weimar is a historical city in the federal state of Thuringia, Germany. It is located between Erfurt in the west and Jena in the east, approximately 80 kms southwest of Leipzig, 170 kms north of Nuremberg and 170 kms west of Dresden. Weimar culture was the flourishing of the arts (Bauhaus) and sciences that happened in Germany during the Weimar Republic. The old part of a city is designated as UNESCO World Heritage site.

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Central Germany

Crucial to its culture, science, industry and history, Mitteldeutschland is Germany’s beating heart. It is studded with cities whose historical importance matches their modern vitality (Weimar, Erfurt and Kassel are just the first names on this list); ridged by low, forested mountains that loom large in German mythology; and edified by museums, cathedrals and castles without number, so it’s puzzling that such a rich destination is routinely overlooked by international visitors.

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Hamburg city of warehouses at night with lights reflecting on the River Elbe


Germany for first-timers

Aug 13, 2019 • 7 min read

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