Volcan de Lemptégy

Top choice in Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne

Feel the Auvergne's smouldering terrain beneath your feet at this mined volcanic site, across the main road from amusement park Vulcania. In summer, at weekends and during school holidays, a motorised 'train' chugs for 3km along the scorched scarlet soil, weaving past boulders flung out of the belly of this ancient volcano. Year-round, the site is visitable on guided walks. Lemptégy's geological forces are further explained through a short 'dynamic 3D' film (spoiler: expect bumps and jolts). Allow 2¾ hours.

The film can be dubbed in multiple languages.

The site opens sporadically in November, February and March; check details on the website.