Église St-Germain des Prés

Top choice in St-Germain & Les Invalides

Paris’ oldest standing church, the Romanesque St Germanus of the Fields, was built in the 11th century on the site of a 6th-century abbey and was the main place of worship in Paris until the arrival of Notre Dame. It's since been altered many times. The oldest part, Chapelle de St-Symphorien, is to the right as you enter; St Germanus (496–576), the first bishop of Paris, is believed to be buried there.

Restoration works are ongoing until 2021 at least but the church will stay open throughout and the restoration of the frescoes adorning the ceilings was completed in 2019 – a fantastic sight. Free early afternoon organ concerts are held on the last Sunday of the month; check the website's calendar for times. Other concerts take place on Thursdays and Fridays at 8.30pm; details are listed online.

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