Bridge in the morning misty light, spring garden Stromovka in Prague, Czech republic; Shutterstock ID 228722590; Your name (First / Last): Gemma Graham; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Cities app POI images

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Stromovka Park

Top choice in Prague

Just west of Výstaviště, Stromovka is central Prague’s largest park. In the Middle Ages it was a royal hunting preserve, which is why it’s sometimes called the Královská obora (Royal Hunting Ground). Rudolph II had rare trees planted here and several lakes created. It’s now the preferred haunt of strollers, joggers, cyclists and in-line skaters. Enter from the Výstaviště exhibition grounds, or from Letenské náměstí follow Čechova třída north to a ridge over the park and walk down.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Prague attractions

1. Chemistry Gallery

0.32 MILES

Edgy gallery dedicated to showing contemporary urban art, street art and graffiti from young Czech and international artists. Artists include Pasta Oner,…

2. Prague Planetarium

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The planetarium in Stromovka park, just west of Výstaviště, presents various slide and video presentations in addition to daily star shows. Most shows are…

3. National Museum of Agriculture

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Located next to the National Technical Museum, Prague's agriculture museum is a great place to take little ones. Exhibits include moving tractors, lots of…

4. National Technical Museum

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Prague’s family-friendly National Technical Museum got a high-tech renovation in 2012 and is a dazzling presentation of the country's industrial heritage…

6. Křižík’s Fountain


Each evening from spring to late autumn the musical Křižík’s Fountain performs its computer-controlled light-and-water dance. Performances range from…

7. Lapidárium

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An outlying branch of the National Museum and an often-overlooked gem, the Lapidárium is a repository for some 400 sculptures from the 11th to the 19th…

8. Letná Gardens

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