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Moravia’s capital city just keeps getting better and better. The thousands of university students here have always ensured a lively club and entertainment scene, but a wave of next-gen cafes, restaurants and cocktail bars in the past few years has put the city on the map and even invited positive comparisons with Prague. The churches and museums are great too. If you add in some daring modern architecture from the early 20th century, such as the Unesco-protected Vila Tugendhat, there's plenty to reward more than a transit stop.
01 / Attractions
Must-see attractions
Brno had a reputation in the 1920s as a centre for modern architecture in the Bauhaus style. Arguably the finest example is this family villa, designed by…
Labyrinth under the Cabbage Market
In recent years, the city has opened several sections of extensive underground tunnels to the general public. This tour takes around 60 minutes to explore…
Brno's spooky hilltop castle is considered the city's most important landmark. Its history stretches back to the 13th century, when it was home to…
This 14th-century cathedral atop Petrov Hill was originally built on the site of a pagan temple to Venus, and has been reconstructed many times since. The…
This austere 15th-century church contains a baroque pulpit with reliefs of Christ dating from 1525. But the biggest draw is a small stone figure known as…
At the centre of Zelný trh (Cabbage Market), the heart of the Old Town, is the curious baroque Parnassus Fountain (1695), a symbolic cave encrusted with…
This natural history and ethnographic museum holds some six million pieces and is the country's second-largest. Exhibits straddle the gulf between extinct…
No visit to Brno would be complete without a peek inside the city's medieval Old Town Hall, parts of which date back to the 13th century. The tourist…
02 / Articles
Latest stories from Brno

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