One of the highlights of a trip to České Budějovice is a chance to see where original Budweiser beer was born. Brewery tours depart daily at 2pm (plus 11am July and August, less frequently from November to March). The tour highlights modern production methods, with the reward being a glass of Budvar in the brewery's chilly cellars. The brewery is 2km north of the main square.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions

1. Rabenštejn Tower

1.16 MILES

This tower, part of the city's original fortifications dating back to the 15th century, is home to a small exhibition of historical weapons and body…

2. South Bohemian Motorcycle Museum

1.27 MILES

There are dozens of historic bikes on display in this museum, housed in the unlikely setting of a 16th-century Gothic granary, later used as a salt…

3. Black Tower

1.29 MILES

The dominating, 72m Gothic-Renaissance Black Tower was built in 1553. Climb its 225 steps (yes, we counted them) for fine views. The tower's two bells ‒…

6. Iron Maiden Tower

1.48 MILES

The 15th-century Iron Maiden Tower is a crumbling former prison (and, legend has it, a torture chamber) and one of the few remaining bits of the Old Town…

7. Museum of South Bohemia


Founded in 1877, the revamped Museum of South Bohemia holds an enormous collection of historic books, coins, military objects, folk art and displays on…

8. Hluboká Chateau

4.26 MILES

Hluboká Chateau was built by Přemysl rulers in the 13th century and the building changed ownership several times until it landed in the hands of the…