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Cimetière Notre-Dame-des-Neiges


More than one million people have found their final resting place here since this Catholic cemetery opened in 1854, making it the largest cemetery in Canada and the third largest in North America. It was initially inspired by the Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. As with other cemeteries on Mont Royal, its mountaintop position follows a Catholic belief that loftier cemeteries offer a better chance of reaching the afterlife in heaven.

The catalog of permanent guests includes 20 Montréal mayors, a number of ex-passengers from the Titanic, and Calixa Lavallée, the composer of 'O Canada.' The cemetery office has brochures for self-guided tours around the tombs but there’s also a map posted at the entrance.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Montréal attractions


1. Le Pavillon


Overlooking Beaver Lake, Le Pavillon is the place to go to rent ice skates and sleds in winter. Refreshments and sandwiches are sold at a snack bar; there…


2. Université de Montréal

0.43 MILES

This is the second-largest French-language university in the world, after the Sorbonne in Paris. Located on the north side of Mont-Royal, its most…


3. Lac aux Castors

0.48 MILES

Created in a former marsh as part of a work-creation project, Beaver Lake is a center of activity year-round. You can rent paddleboats on the lake or, in…


4. Maison Smith

0.64 MILES

Constructed in 1858 by a merchant who wanted to get away from the pollution and overpopulation of the rest of Montréal, this house contains a small…


5. Cimetière Mont-Royal

0.66 MILES

Cimetière Mont-Royal was founded in 1852 for the last journey of Presbyterians, Anglicans, Unitarians, Baptists and nondenominationals. In 1901 it opened…


6. Oratoire St-Joseph

0.82 MILES

The stunning Oratoire St-Joseph church built on the flanks of Mont-Royal commands grand views of the the Côte-des-Neiges area and northwest Montréal. The…


7. Chalet du Mont-Royal

0.93 MILES

Constructed in 1932, this grand old white villa, complete with bay windows, contains canvases that depict scenes of Montréal history. You’ll also see…


8. Parc du Mont-Royal

0.93 MILES

The charming, leafy expanse of Parc du Mont-Royal is charged for a wide range of outdoor activities. The wooded slopes and grassy meadows have stunning…