BAY OF FUNDY NEW BRUNSWICK CANADA 08 15 2022: Park visitors explore the ocean  floor at low tide. Hopewell Rocks Park in Canada, located on the shores of the Bay of Fundy in the North Atlantic Ocean; Shutterstock ID 2197715175; full: 65050; gl: 65050; netsuite: poi; your: Barbara Di Castro

Shutterstock / meunierd

Hopewell Rocks

New Brunswick

The Hopewell Rocks are bizarre sandstone erosion formations known as 'flowerpots,' rising from the ocean floor. They resemble giant arches, stone mushrooms and animals. Many come to marvel at their Dr Seussian look, making the rocks New Brunswick's top attraction and certainly one of its most crowded. You can only walk amid the rocks at low tide; at high tide, the rock towers are still visible from the well-trafficked trails that wind through the woods above, or you can join a kayaking tour to bob around them.

Check the tide tables at any tourist office or area hotel. From the interpretive center at the entrance to the rocks, you can walk 20 minutes or take a shuttle that stops steps away from the main viewing deck. It is free for those with a disability and anyone accompanying them. Hopewell Rocks is located 38km southwest of Moncton.