One of the friendliest farms to visit, Sothy is passionate about his product and will gladly elaborate on the history and process behind the 'champagne of…
© Matthew Micah Wright / Getty
Cambodia's South Coast (ឆ្នេរខាងត្បូង) provides the antidote to temple-hopping tick lists. The beaches draw most folk here, but stick around and you'll see this region is more than its sandy bits.
One of the friendliest farms to visit, Sothy is passionate about his product and will gladly elaborate on the history and process behind the 'champagne of…
The interior of Kep peninsula is occupied by Kep National Park, where an 8km circuit, navigable by foot, mountain bike, or motorbike, begins behind…
If you like the rustic beachcomber lifestyle, Koh Tonsay's 250m-long main beach is for you. This is a place to while away hours or days doing little but…
Past the southern end of Ochheuteal Beach, beyond the Phnom Som Nak Sdach (Hill of the King’s Palace) headland, lies stunning Otres Beach, a seemingly…
South Coast
Occupying the 35km-wide peninsula northwest across the Gulf of Kompong Som from Sihanoukville, this is one of Cambodia's largest and most biodiverse…
South Coast
The twin hills of Phnom Da are spectacularly isolated Mont-St-Michel-style by annual floods, which require guests to arrive via Takeo on a 45-minute open…
Koh Rong
Past the Koh Tuch Beach headland (near Treehouse Bungalows) is Long Set Beach. Walk another half-hour along the sand and encounter little more than hermit…
This is Kep's only proper beach, although it wasn't always that way. In the prewar period, powder-white sand was trucked in from other beaches. This…
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