Au Tableau Qui Dit des Bêtises


The tree-shaded terrace by Liège's cathedral is a good place to sip a glass of wine with local arty types. The bistro section next door with an all-black interior is rather more ghoulish.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Liège attractions

1. Cathédrale St-Paul

0.03 MILES

Cathédrale St-Paul's highlights include a big 19th-century painting depicting the legend of St-Lambert's assassination, and the saint's ornate silver…

2. Trésor

0.06 MILES

Off the closed-in cloister of Cathédrale St-Paul, the slickly presented three-level Trésor guards many artworks, vestments and chalices rescued from St…

3. Église St-Jacques

0.28 MILES

Arguably Liège's most fascinating church, this architectural hotchpotch was founded in 1015 and retains a heavily patched-up 1170 west end whose…

4. Tchantchès Pilot Sculpture

0.29 MILES

Beside the St-Lambert bus stops is this cartoonesque figure piloting a little metal aeroplane: Liège’s mascot and oldest ‘citizen’, the big-nosed wooden…

5. Institut Zoologique


Built in 1888, this palatial building has a deep-eyed bust of Darwin on its central pediment, best spotted from the river-ferry as it approaches the Pôle…

6. Archéoforum

0.32 MILES

Once one of the greatest churches in northern Europe, St-Lambert’s Cathedral was demolished from 1793 in the aftermath of the Révolution Liégeoise, very…

7. Hôtel de Ville

0.35 MILES

At night the 1719 city hall glows lugubriously in its blood-red spotlights. By day it commands Liège’s charming, if modestly sized, original main square,…

8. Former Palace of the Prince-Bishops

0.36 MILES

Behind an Italian Renaissance facade, this former palace is reputedly one of the largest secular Gothic buildings anywhere in the world. Prior to 1789 it…