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The Salzkammergut

The Salzkammergut is a dramatic region of alpine and subalpine lakes, deeply carved valleys, rolling hills and rugged, steep mountain ranges rising to almost 3000m. Much of the region is remote wilderness, and even in the heavily visited parts, such as the Wolfgangsee and Mondsee, you’ll always find isolated areas where still, glassy waters provide limitless opportunities for boating, swimming, fishing or just sitting on the shore and skimming stones. The popular Hallstätter See, flanked by soaring mountains that offer great hiking, is arguably the most spectacular of the lakes.

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Scenic view of famous Hallstatt mountain village with Hallstatter lake. Autumn sunrise on Hallstatt lake. Location: resort village Hallstatt, Salzkammergut region, Austria, Alps. Europe.


5 picture-perfect alternatives to the Austrian town over-run by “Frozen” fans

Sep 18, 2023 • 4 min read

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The Salzkammergut and beyond