The 30 best countries, cities and regions to visit in 2025
Nov 21, 2024 • 8 min read
A lawnmower racing event in the UK where speeds can reach up to 50mph © Ben Birchall - PA Images / Getty
Never underestimate humanity’s ability to turn the mad or the mundane into a competitive sport. In our pursuit of amusement, we have brought some wonderfully weird sports to the fore, which not only offer an insight into the psyche of nations but also provide travelers with an opportunity to meet eccentric – and passionate – locals.
So switch up that afternoon at the football or evening hockey game for something a little more...unique, and grab tickets to one of these weird sports around the world.
Competitive sheep shearing? Ewe better believe it. In fact, it’s kind of a big deal in New Zealand, which proudly hosts the annual Golden Shears International Championships – a lanolin-infused jamboree touted as “the Wimbledon of sheep shearing.”
Held in the War Memorial Stadium in Masterton since 1961, the four-day event seeks to identify the world’s fastest sheep shearer, with spectators merrily fleecing themselves out of a few dollars as they bet on the outcome. The event provides an illuminating insight into local life, but it’s not all about shearing; live bands bring a party vibe to proceedings, and there’s much food and drink to be enjoyed. Can’t make the Masterton event? Fear not. Shearing competitions are also held in Europe, Australia and the US.
Like all the best ideas, lawnmower racing entered the world via a pub. It was 1973, and Jackie Stewart was winning his third Formula One title while a group of wannabe racers from West Sussex dreamed of making motorsport – historically the preserve of the wealthy – more accessible to the masses.
Over a few pints they came up with lawnmower racing, which now has its own governing body – the British Lawn Mower Racing Association (BLRA) – and a 30-race championship that runs from May to October. Most races are part of larger rural events, such as the Cranleigh Show in Surrey, where spectators can experience other eccentric pursuits such as ferret racing. The BLRA remains defiantly uncommercial and donates all profits to charity. It also advises spectators to bring packed lunches with them to races.
Part sport, part amateur dramatics, lucha libre is a form of freestyle wrestling with a devoted fan base in its native Mexico. Mexico City is home to two legendary Lucha Libre venues: Arena México, known as "The Cathedral of Lucha Libre," and Arena Coliseo, one of the oldest wrestling arenas in the country. Both offer thrilling experiences for fans of Mexican wrestling.
Competitors are renowned for their elaborate masks, which keep their identities a secret. That’s until they are defeated in a high-stakes fight, which often requires losers to reveal their faces (other ignominious forfeits include having their heads shaved).
It certainly makes for compelling viewing, and the tequila-charged atmosphere adds to the sense of occasion. Don’t forget to bring some loose change: when spectators are impressed by a victorious wrestler, they throw money at them. The coins are then collected by the wrestler and stored in a commemorative vase to remind them of the victory.
Legend has it this curious sport is a nod to the ancient custom of wife stealing, whereby gangs of Finnish robbers supposedly raided villages and made off with other men’s wives.
Mercifully, this nefarious activity has been confined to the pages of folk tales. But in an amusing subversion of this fabled criminal act, wife carrying continues, albeit with consenting females, who acrobatically cling to male counterparts as they navigate an assault course – climbing over large wooden obstacles and plunging headlong into cold-water pools in the process. The quickest pair win the wife’s weight in beer. As you might expect, much lager is consumed on the sidelines too, particularly in Sonkajärvi, Finland, which hosts the original Wife Carrying Championships in July. Competitions also take place in Australia, Estonia, Hong Kong, the US and UK. And before you ask, no, the participating couples don’t actually have to be married.
20 unmissable extreme sports (and where to try them)
A variation of a game most of us played in the schoolyard, kabaddi is a lot like tag, only with a rulebook and scoring system that could reduce a child to tears. In essence: two teams of seven players face off on a rectangular arena. One player from the offensive team, the “raider,” crosses the midline in the center of the play area and attempts to tag as many opposition players as possible. If the raider makes it back to their team’s side, that team scores a point for every opposition player tagged. However, the other team is able to physically restrain the player from making it back, in which case the team scores nothing. An additional point is awarded if the raider steps over the “bonus line.” Also, this must all be done in a single breath. Simple enough, right?
Though considered a national sport in Bangladesh, it is India that has perhaps the most competitive league. Dubbed the Pro Kabaddi, it unfolds dramatically in stadiums across the country, where players twist, kick, duck and dive around the arena, cheered on by huge, vociferous crowds spilling from the grandstands.
Brains and brawn combine in this thinking person’s combat sport, which brings together the unlikely bedfellows of boxing and chess. Matches unfold over 11 rounds – six chess, five boxing – and competitors (or “nerdletes,” as the nerdy athletes are known) must either KO their opponents in the ring or outwit them on the chessboard.
The sport is popular in India (the believed birthplace of chess), but the best place to watch a match is in London, where spectators can enjoy the all-out action of a big fight mixed with the quiet suspense of a chess match (plus a series of weird and wonderful ringside performances between bouts) that culminates in one of the Big Smoke’s most memorable nights out. Fights are organized by Chess Boxing Nation and take place throughout the year.
It was once something you begrudgingly did while waiting for your turn on Mario Kart, but now watching other people play computer games is a bona fide spectator sport, with e-sport events now taking place all over the world (and also streaming to huge audiences online).
It’s particularly popular in the US, where fans pay upwards of $50 to watch pro players battle it out in the biggest shoot-‘em-up of all: Call of Duty. The first-person shooter series, which has been a firm favorite with gamers for over a decade, has its own World League Championship. The tournament’s winning team nets a cool $2.5 million. The leaked Call of Duty League 2025 schedule suggests five Majors over seven months, with Major 1 in Barcelona from February 6-9 and the CDL Championship in Toronto from June 26-29. Speculated locations for the remaining Majors include Dallas, Florida, and Chicago, though exact dates and cities for Majors 2-4 are still unconfirmed.
In terms of the spectator experience, expect a largely male and millennial crowd, who typically sit in neat rows, clutching beers and watching the drama unfold on huge screens. And just think, your parents told you playing video games would get you nowhere in life…
If you think tradition and history are missing from these unusual sports, check out the cheese-rolling competition held at Cooper’s Hill near Gloucester, England. The renowned Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling event is set for Monday, May 26, 2025, during the spring bank holiday, with races kicking off at noon.
The earliest written record of the event is from 1826, though historians believe it to be much older than that. Participants chase a 7-9lb wheel of Double Gloucester down Cooper’s Hill, a steep slope that measures 200 yards long, with the first person who makes it over the finish line at the bottom of the hill being crowned the winner and taking home the cheese. The event draws thousands of spectators and athletes from all over; winners have come from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, and the US, to name just a few places.
If we were to judge sports based solely on their difficulty, Sepak Takraw would be high on the list. Imagine volleyball using only your feet, knees, chest and head to play, as in soccer. Also known as kick volleyball, the sport was standardized in Malaysia in 1960 and is now considered the country’s national sport, although that doesn’t mean its reach is limited to Asia.
With an international federation (called the ISTAF) consisting of 50 member countries, supporters of Sepak Takraw aim to make it an Olympic sport by 2026. With a fast pace and wild acrobatic kicks in every match, it’s easy to see why. Major events include the ISTAF SuperSeries, the ISTAF World Cup and Sepak Takraw as a medal event in the Asian Games.
Like most people, you probably played tag when you were a kid. What if you kept at it? What if you could turn pro? Well, since 2012, you can. Founded by Christian Devaux in the UK, World Chase Tag is an international competition that combines competitive parkour with tag. Two teams face off over 16 one-on-one rounds in a 12m x 12m square full of obstacles, aiming to win the most rounds by either tagging the opponent within 20 seconds or, for the other team, evading the tagger for the allotted time. Not only are these athletes paid well for playing tag–with top competitors earning anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 per event depending on sponsorships and performance–but the events are also televised on ESPN and Channel 4 in the UK. The exact earnings vary, but many athletes can also secure additional income through brand partnerships and appearance fees. Not just a game for kids anymore!
Looking for more inspiration for your adrenaline-filled travels? Check out these expert guides to help you plan the perfect sports adventure:
Best time to visit for extreme sports: 20 Unmissable Extreme Sports (and Where to Try Them)
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